English 2nd paper grammar

English 2nd paper grammar

english 2nd paper grammar Part all

The more you read, the more you learn.

Good side Paragraph

 11.Value of time
 12. Friendship
 13. Education
 15. Good manner
17. Characters
20.Self – help
23. Dignity
24. Love
25. Liberty
26. Kindness
27. Integrity
28. Dutifulness
29. Personality
30.Co – operation
31. Industry
32.Obedience to any one.

………is the greatest of all qualities in a man’s life. It is a great virtue. It is the key to success. The true happiness and prosperity of a man entirely depends on it. It ennobles one’ s Character and gives one a high position in society. It brings peace of mind. The man who has acquired this quality is respected by all. On the contrary, the man who has lost this quality is  hated by all. He may succeed for the time being. But he comes to sorrow in the long run. By dint of …….. all can shine in life. Many persons in the world become great by virtue of this quality…… may lead the whole world to form this quality because it is the glory of life. It is a noble quality. It inspires everyone to go ahead. It is true that nothing can be gained without this quality. To sum up…… is an important element and successive assort of human life So all of us should form this habit for the progress and prosperity of life.

Bad Side Paragraph

  1. Food adulteration             10. Deforestation                                          
  2. Dowry system                  11. Illiteracy
  3. Terrorism                         12. Corruption
  4. Acid throwing                 13. Bribery
  5. Traffic jam                       14. Road accident   
  6. Smoking                          15. Water pollution
  7. Child labor                      16. Sound pollution
  8. Load shedding                 17. Environment pollution
Md. Murshed MiahDewatoli Ideal School [Assistant Teacher]B.SC Hounrs. Bindaban Govt.College Mobile :-01715397331  

Our country is full of many problems …….. is a great problem in our country . It is increasing day by day. It is a curse for us. It is creating other problem. It is out of our control. Every problem has same reasons. We should find out the reasons of this problem. Some bad people are responsible for this great problem. We are suffering for it Every problem has a solution. We must try to remove………The government is trying to stop it. But we must help our government to stop it. The government should give punishment to the people who are responsible for this great problem. Bangladesh is our motherland. It is our duty to work for the development of this country. Nobody likes……. It has no good sides. We should make our country free from this great problem we should hate the people who are creating …….. in our country. They are our enemy They are greedy  and selfish. They can do anything for money. The government should make some strick rules to remove it. We should help our government in this matter. Other wish this problem will never be stopped.

E – Mail

To: ………..@ Gmail .com

From: ……..@ Gmail .com



My Dear: ………

I have read your E- mail just now. Thank you very much. I am quite will. I hope you are also well. ……………………………………………………………………….No more today. I will meet you within a very short time. You must take care of your health. With best wishes to you.

Yours Ever       name  


The principal / The Manager

ABC Madrasah  / ABC company

Address of the organization

Sub : Application for the position of ……………

Dear sir,

In response to your job advertisement published in the ………. On, I would like to apply for the position of . I am confident that my education and qualification will help me to serve in your company / School / bank / madras.

May I therfor pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me for an interview at your convenient time and  place .

Thank you

yours truly

Name of applicant

Md. Murshed MiahDewatoli Ideal School [Assistant Teacher]B.SC Hounrs. Bindaban Govt.College Mobile :-01715397331 


Curriculum vitae

Name                              :-

Father’s name                :-

Mother’s name               :-

Permanent address        :-

Present address              :-

Date of birth                   :-

Relight                            :-

Nationality                      :-

Marital Status                :-

Phone                              :-

Educational Qualification :-

Name of  ExamPassing yearGPAName of Board

 Languag skills : Bengali & English : Excellent both in speaking and  


Hobby               : Reading book , Gardening

Reference :

1.Mr . X

Dialogue writing

  1. Tree plantation.
  2. Importance of Reading Newspaper
  3. About mobile phone
  4. About computer
  5. Physical exercise
  6. About Television
  7. About intern  
  8. Satellite
  9. Importance of education
  10. Importance of learning English

Bad side Dialogue

1.  Load shedding

2. Traffic jam

3. Price hike

4. Eve Teasing

5. Deforestation

6. Food  Adulteration

7. Environment pollution

8. Dangers of singers

9. Drug Addiction

10. Road Addiction 

Dialogue writing

Myself:        Good morning. How are you?

Friend:         Good morning. I am fine and you ?

Myself:        I am also fine. Are you busy now?

Friend:         No. Why?

Myself:        I want to talk with you a bout an important matter.

Friend:         Of course. I am ready to talk withn you whatever you wish to                                                                                                      


Myself:        Can you tell me a bout…………..

Friend:         The importantce………..is so much that cannot be expressed in                                   

                    Word. It is most essential thing and it is necessary in every step

                     In our life. Without giving importance on it.

Myself:        Thank you very much. I have learnt many thing from you.

Friend:         welcome. I have to go now Good bye.

Myself:        Good bye.

Bad side Dialogue

Myself:        Good mornig friend. How are you ?

Friend:         Fine what a bout you ?

Myself:        I’m  also fine. Are you free now my friend ? can we discuss  about an important thing ?

Friend:         why not ? we con but what is it ?

Myself :       I would  like to discuss about …….. because  it is a burning question now a days.

Friend :        yes . I agree with  you . I think ……. Is increasing day by day which is affecting severely our normal life .

Myself :       Do you  know …… causes many (fatal  disease such as cancer . Heart attack ctc.) problems for our country .

Friend :        yes friend . you are right . I think that man is mostly responsible for it and it is going out of out of our control day by day

Myself :       For a developing country like Bangladesh . It is really a great obstruction for our development .

Friend :        you are right . we should  find out the solutions

Myself :       you are a absolutely right .

Friend :        Thank you very much for this important conversation .

Myself :       you’re welcome .

Story writing


The following story is very pleasant. In this story. There is one situation in which character who is chief figure in story. As we come to know through this story. Here is suspense what makes to story entertaining. The story based on a situation which is related to human life. There is some point below the  story. All points are essential ….  Played outstanding role. He lshe  was highlighted as a hero/heroin of…………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Bad side composition

Bangladeshis very small country. There are many problems in our country. Some of them are big and some of them are small. Some of them are preventable and some of them are unpreventable. But problem is problem. It may be Different Only. Such as ………. And so on ……….is one of the greatest problem in our country. There are various causes of it. Firstly most of the people of our country are uneducated. There are not conscious a bout the problem. Secondly. We are usually backward thirdly. Our government is also responsible for this vital problem. Fourthly we are not economically self sufficient and our country is developing country, So we have faced this moment us problem. Finally it is our political unrest which is responsible for this problem.

Nowadays ………..is a burning question in the third world countries like ours we can not lead a normal life for this problem. Daly by day it is going out of control thogh everybody feels the problem in our country but no body takes proper steps to remove it. We should realize that it spoits the peace in our normal life.

So we should all work hard together to solve this problem. It is not only our national problem but also a worldwide problem. We con easily realize about the effect of it. We will be able to overcome …………in the days to come .

Every conscious citizen of the country should help the government to solve this problem. The problem should be solved as soon as possible to buil up our Dear mother land.

Good side compositon

Everybody in life. This success depends much on ……..It is a great virtue. It brings prosperity in life. It is ornament life and key to. Success.

The importance of …… beggars description . It is very importance in every lifestyle . To lead a sound life it is must . It is one of the best virtues of men and absence of it makes a man forlorn and unhappy in life we should bear in mind that if we develop this virtue we would be successful in life. The history inspires us to develop this virtue because, the life and activites of all great men in the world are associated with this virtue . We can conquer everything in this world with developing this quality .

The man who does not achieve this virtue becomes a curse to himself and to his family as well as to society. He leads very miserable life . His life becomes full of sorrows and suffering. He always lags behind and suffers in the long run in a world the consequence of not a cquiring virtue are beyond description .people do not love and respect him .On the other hand he is praised and respected by all if he develops the great virtue.

Ended we can say that …….. is very important for our life without it there is no fame no progress and success in human life Hence everybody should posses this virtue and abide by it for ever .

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